Loop Quantum Gravity

Loop Quantum Gravity is a theory of quantum gravity based on a geometric formulation that predict discrete geometrical phenomena above some minimum length scale (the Planck length).

IGC members who study Loop Quantum Gravity

NameRoleAffiliationEmailPhoneOffice AddressAffiliated Center(s) Research Topics(s)
Källan Berglund Graduate Student Physics kmb670@psu.edu -- 322 Whitmore Laboratory CFT, IGC Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, Loop Quantum Gravity
Eugenio Bianchi Faculty Physics exb34@psu.edu +1 814 865 7533 315 Whitmore Laboratory CFT Quantum Universe, Mathematical Structures, Black Holes, Loop Quantum Gravity
Martin Bojowald Faculty Physics mob6@psu.edu +1 814 865 3502 304A Whitmore Laboratory CFT Mathematical Structures, Loop Quantum Gravity, Quantum Universe
Jacob Canel Graduate Student Math jmc8684@psu.edu 18579983102 417 McAllister CFT Loop Quantum Gravity
Aurora Colter Undergraduate Student Physics, Math agc5654@psu.edu - - NONE CFT, IGC Quantum Universe, Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, Loop Quantum Gravity, Physical Mathematics
Mauricio Gamonal Graduate Student Physics mfg5767@psu.edu -- 322 Whitmore Laboratory CFT Loop Quantum Gravity, Quantum Universe, Mathematical Structures
Dennis Hartmann Undergraduate Student Physics dkh5453@psu.edu -- N/A NONE CFT Loop Quantum Gravity
Erick Muino Garcia Graduate Student Physics efm5414@psu.edu -- - NONE CFT Loop Quantum Gravity, Quantum Universe
Daniel Paraizo Graduate Student Physics dep5397@psu.edu -- 317 Whitmore Laboratory IGC, CFT Quantum Universe, Loop Quantum Gravity, Black Holes
Monica Rincon Ramirez Graduate Student Physics mxr463@psu.edu -- 321 Whitmore Laboratory CFT, CTOC Loop Quantum Gravity, Physical Mathematics, Black Holes, Quantum Universe

News about Loop Quantum Gravity

Loops '19 Conference


Loops’19, the most recent conference in a long tradition of biannual international meetings focused on loop quantum gravity and background independent approaches to quantum gravity was held at Penn State From June 17 through 21st, 2021. The scientific program highlighted recent developments in quantum gravity research, structural and computational aspects of loop quantum gravity, applications to black hole physics and cosmology. The conference is preceded by the Loops’19 Summer School held at Bard College (NY) on June 09 – 16, 2019.

Additional links:

The Big Bounce, Signs in the CMB?


A Loop Quantum Gravity updateIs there evidence of a cosmic Big Bounce in the sky? Can dark energy be solved by quantum gravity? In our second report from the most recent Loop Quantum Gravity Conference, we interview many of the leading physicists in the field to get an update on experimental searches for signs of Loop Quantum Gravity and Cosmology. YouTube Video prepared by Monica and Phil Halper. Filmed during Loops19 Conference.

Click here for the full article.

Black Holes, Dark Matter & Quantum Gravity, what’s new in Loop Quantum Gravity


Are black holes related to dark matter? Do the observations of black holes by LIGO hint at a signature of quantum gravity ? Can we find evidence of black holes from a previous universe? In 2019 second place in the Buchalter Cosmology Prize was awarded to two of the speakers you will see in this film which explores some of the above themes. We filmed this at the Loop Quantum Gravity Conference in 2019 and plan to make a follow up film exploring the latest ideas in the field. Look out for the optical illusion around 8:12–8:25. YouTube Video prepared by Monica and Phil Halper. Filmed during Loops19 conference.

Click here for the full article.