I’m a Fulbright Fellow and currently a PhD candidate in Physics at Penn State, under the supervision of Prof. Eugenio Bianchi. As a member of the CFT, I’m working to contribute to our understanding of the fundamental structure of spacetime. I’m particularly interested in building a bridge between certain formal approaches to quantum gravity and its phenomenology, e.g., by studying the imprints in the CMB due to a pre-inflationary epoch, or signatures in the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves. Other research interests include fundamental aspects of causality and the emergence of classicality in our Universe, formal aspects of the spinfoam formulation of loop quantum gravity, the propagation and detection of gravitational radiation in cosmological spacetimes, and the role of symmetry breaking in the context of quantum cosmology. As a member of the IGC, I’m also contributing with the organization of the Primordial Universe and Gravitation (PUG) seminar.
Other personal interests include music, photography, science communication (I have some individual projects, in particular for Spanish speakers) and outreach activities (Fisica Itinerante in Chile, and at Penn State I’ve participated in PAW+ and in the podcast Gravi-tea time!). I have been inducted into the honor society for first-generation students, Tri-Alpha.
Click here to view my website
Jorge Alfaro,
Mauricio Gamonal,
"A nontrivial footprint of standard cosmology in the future observations of low-frequency gravitational waves." Gen. Rel. Grav. 52 12 (2020)
Eugenio Bianchi,
Mauricio Gamonal,
"Squeezed vacua and primordial features in effective theories of inflation at N2LO." (2024)
Eugenio Bianchi,
Mauricio Gamonal,
"Primordial power spectrum at N3LO in effective theories of inflation." Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024)
Mauricio Gamonal,
"Slow-roll inflation in f(R,T) gravity and a modified Starobinsky-like inflationary model." Phys. Dark Univ. 31 (2021)