I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in Professor Bangalore Sathyaprakash’s research group, where my work centres around utilising gravitational wave data to understand the properties of compact binaries.
Juan Calderón Bustillo,
Samson Leong,
Koustav Chandra,
"GW190412: measuring a black-hole recoil direction through higher-order gravitational-wave modes." (2022)
Koustav Chandra,
V. Gayathri,
Juan Bustillo,
Archana Pai,
"Numerical relativity injection analysis of signals from generically spinning intermediate mass black hole binaries in Advanced LIGO data." Phys. Rev. D 102 4 (2020)
Koustav Chandra,
V. Villa-Ortega,
T. Dent,
C. McIsaac,
Archana Pai,
I. Harry,
G. Davies,
K. Soni,
"An optimized PyCBC search for gravitational waves from intermediate-mass black hole mergers." Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021)
Koustav Chandra,
Juan Calderón Bustillo,
Archana Pai,
I. Harry,
"First gravitational-wave search for intermediate-mass black hole mergers with higher-order harmonics." Phys. Rev. D 106 12 (2022)
Koustav Chandra,
Archana Pai,
Samson Leong,
Juan Calderón Bustillo,
"Impact of Bayesian Priors on the Inferred Masses of Quasi-Circular Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Binaries." (2023)
Rich Abbott,
"Search for intermediate-mass black hole binaries in the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo." Astron. Astrophys. 659 (2022)
Kritti Sharma,
Koustav Chandra,
Archana Pai,
"Fishing massive black hole binaries with THAMES." (2022)