##Research Summary
The central concern of my research is the search for physics beyond the Standard Model in general, and in specific the detection of dark matter. I’m interested in direct and indirect probes of dark matter from astrophysical to bench-top scales. My research is primarily theoretical, but straddles the boundaries with computational and experimental physics.
##Research Interests
-Direct and indirect detection of dark matter
-Material science with machine learning
-High-energy astrophysics
-Particle phenomenology
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Carlos Blanco,
Yonatan Kahn,
Benjamin Lillard,
Samuel McDermott,
"Dark Matter Daily Modulation With Anisotropic Organic Crystals." Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021)
Carlos Blanco,
Rouven Essig,
Marivi Fernandez-Serra,
Harikrishnan Ramani,
Oren Slone,
"Dark matter direct detection with quantum dots." Phys. Rev. D 107 9 (2023)
Carlos Blanco,
Ian Harris,
Yonatan Kahn,
Benjamin Lillard,
Jesús Pérez-Ríos,
"Molecular Migdal effect." Phys. Rev. D 106 11 (2022)
Carlos Blanco,
Ian Harris,
Yonatan Kahn,
Anirudh Prabhu,
"Constraining dark matter-proton scattering from molecular cloud ionization." Phys. Rev. D 110 3 (2024)
Carlos Blanco,
Oindrila Ghosh,
Sunniva Jacobsen,
Tim Linden,
"Axion-like particles as a solution to an emerging tension in the TeV gamma-ray sky." PoS ICRC2023 (2024)
Carlos Blanco,
Rebecca Leane,
"Search for Dark Matter Ionization on the Night Side of Jupiter with Cassini." Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 26 (2024)
Carlos Blanco,
Rebecca Leane,
Marianne Moore,
Joshua Tong,
"Search for Dark Matter Induced Airglow in Planetary Atmospheres." (2024)
Antonio Capanema,
Carlos Blanco,
"-Cascade V4: A semi-analytical code for modeling cosmological gamma-ray propagation." Comput. Phys. Commun. 307 (2025)
Cameron Cook,
Carlos Blanco,
Juri Smirnov,
"Deep learning optimal molecular scintillators for dark matter direct detection." (2024)
Sandip Roy,
Carlos Blanco,
Christopher Dessert,
Anirudh Prabhu,
Tea Temim,
"Sensitivity of JWST to eV-Scale Decaying Axion Dark Matter." (2023)