Ashtekar Frontiers of Science Lectures
2025-01-25 - 2025-03-01
The Ashtekar Frontiers of Science Lectures in the Eberly College of Science, a series of free public lectures now in its 31st year, will return to Penn State on Jan. 25.
This year’s lecture series, titled “2025: Year of Quantum,” will explore how physics at the smallest scales impacts materials, human health, computing, communications and more. The 2025 lecture series celebrates 100 years of quantum mechanics and the UNESCO International Year of Quantum Science and Technology with six lectures on consecutive Saturdays that explore the depth and breadth of quantum research at Penn State and beyond.
- January 25 in 100 Thomas Building
Sascha Meinrath, Palmer Chair in Telecommunications in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State and director of X-Lab, will give a talk titled “Public interest technologists and the battle for privacy in the quantum age.”
- February 1 in 100 Thomas Building
Lukas Muechler, assistant professor of chemistry and physics, will give a talk titled “How chemistry and physics come together in quantum materials.”
- February 8 in 100 Thomas Building
Xiantao Li, professor of mathematics, will present a talk titled “What can quantum computing do for scientific computing?”
- February 15 in 001 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building
Marcos Rigol, professor of physics, will give a talk titled “A tale of two gases: Classical and quantum.”
- February 22 in 100 Thomas Building
Abhinav Kandala, principal research scientist at IBM Quantum who earned a Ph.D. in physics at Penn State in 2015, will present a talk titled “Accurate quantum computing.”
- March 1 in 001 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building
Jun Zhu, professor of physics, will present a talk titled “Building a quantum information highway network with topological edge states.”
Penn State encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about physical access provided, you may call 814-867-5830 or email sci-comm@psu.edu in advance of your participation or visit.
00:00 | Sascha Meinrath | Ashtekar Frontiers of Science: Sascha Meinrath |
00:00 | Lukas Muechler | Ashtekar Frontiers of Science: Lukas Muechler |
00:00 | Xiantao Li | Ashtekar Frontiers of Science: Xiantao Li |
00:00 | Marcos Rigol | Ashtekar Frontiers of Science: Marcos Rigol |
00:00 | Abhinav Kandala | Ashtekar Frontiers of Science: Abhinav Kandala |
00:00 | Jun Zhu, | Ashtekar Frontiers of Science: Jun Zhu |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
This talk presents a study on the effects of neutrino oscillations in binary neutron star (BNS) merger simulations. I will talk about how we implement a subgrid model to simulate neutrino mixing with a 3D GRMHD code using M1 neutrino radiation transport. This is the first-ever simulation of BNS mergers incorporating neutrino flavor conversions. Our results reveal significant differences in the ejecta composition, neutrino luminosities, and nucleosynthesis features for the post-merger phase.
14:00 | Yi Qiu | Neutrino oscillation in binary neutron star merger |

Events 2025-02-3
2025-02-03 - 2025-02-10
- Astronomy Colloquium
- Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, 3:45 – 5pm 538 Davey Lab
- Speaker - Dong Lai
- Title: Dynamical Formation of Merging Compact Binaries
- Physics Colloquium
- Thursday, February 6th, 2025, 3:45 – 4:45pm 117 Osmond Laboratory
- Speaker - Ivan Agulló
- Title: Ivan Agulló: The Landscape of Entanglement in Quantum Field Theories: Theory Meets Experiment
3:45 | Dong Lai | Dynamical Formation of Merging Compact Binaries |
3:45 | Ivan Agulló | The Landscape of Entanglement in Quantum Field Theories: Theory Meets Experiment |

Heard on Campus: Lukas Muechler on quantum materials
Penn State Eberly College of Science
“Quantum materials has emerged as a field recently as current devices are approaching their quantum limit,” said Lukas Muechler, assistant professor of chemistry and physics. Muechler recently spoke at Ashtekar Frontiers of Science, an annual public lecture series held by the Penn State Eberly College of Science, on the field of quantum materials.
In his presentation, Muechler described how he combines physics and chemistry in his quantum materials research. He works to tackle the challenge of “translating these concepts that theoretical physicists come up with into a language of chemistry,” by considering it, “not only a scientific challenge, but also a cultural challenge.”
Muechler ended his lecture by sharing that, “the cool thing about this interdisciplinary, broad science is that you make very human connections because you get to visit different countries, meet new people, and learn to think about a problem, like quantum materials, from so many angles,” and that, “quantum mechanics, quantum materials is the best field to do interdisciplinary science in.”
The 2025 Ashtekar Lecture series celebrates 100 years of quantum mechanics and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization International Year of Quantum Science and Technology with lectures that explore the depth and breadth of quantum research at Penn State and beyond.
Muechler was introduced by Ken Knappenberger, department head and professor of chemistry.
There are four lectures remaining in this year’s series. On Feb. 8, Xiantao Li will present “What can quantum computing do for scientific computing?” On Feb. 15, Marcos Rigol will present “A tale of two gases: Classical and quantum,” on Feb. 22, Abhinav Kandala will present “Accurate quantum computing,” and finally, on Mar. 1, Jun Zhu will present “Building a quantum information highway network with topological edge states.”
12:00 | Lukas Muechler | Heard on Campus: Lukas Muechler on quantum materials |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
In this seminar, we will explore the interplay between quantum mechanics and general relativity by examining the behavior of a quantum clock in curved spacetime. Unlike a classical point mass, a quantum clock with nonzero position fluctuations cannot travel along a single geodesic. Instead, it behaves as an extended object influenced by tidal forces and a superposition of time dilations at different altitudes. Using a geometrical formulation of quantum mechanics, we will show that quantum correlations between spatial directions introduce a non-Riemannian structure to the spacetime experienced by the clock. A specific version of Finsler geometry provides a new setting for a combination of quantum and gravitational effects. The Finsler structure is parameterized by entropy and purity of the state, and uncertainty relations prevent it from being Riemannian. By unifying quantum and gravitational effects in a geometric framework, this approach offers new avenues for advancements in our understanding of quantum reference frames and their applications in semi-classical gravity.
13:45 | Joey Balsells | Relativistic implications of entropy and purity |

Events 2024-12-9
2024-12-09 - 2024-12-16
• GAPP Seminar
- Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, 2 - 3pm Davey 339
- Guest speaker – Jason Pollack
- Title: Generic ETH: Eigenstate Thermalization beyond the Microcanonical
• Special GAPP Seminar
- Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, 10 - 11am Whitmore 320
- Guest speaker – Greg Kaplanek
- Title: Feynman-Vemon goes cosmic: path intergrals for consmological open systems
• Astronomy Colloquium
- December 11th, 2024, 3:45 – 5pm 538 Davey Lab
- Speaker - Niel Brandt
- Title: Searching for Radio Star-Planet Interaction
14:00 | Jason Pollack | Eigenstate Thermalization beyond the Microcanonical |
10:00 | Greg Kaplanek | Feynman-Vemon goes cosmic: path intergrals for consmological open systems |
15:45 | Niel Brandt | Searching for Radio Star-Planet Interaction |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
Gravitational wave signals carry characteristic information about the astrophysical properties of compact objects, their immediate environment, and the nature of gravity in the strong-field dynamical regime. Bayesian inference has been the go-to tool for extracting this information. This talk will introduce it, using a quasi-spherical binary black hole merger as an illustrative example while ensuring accessibility to a broader audience. I might conclude by sharing the sins of prior choices!
14:00 | Koustav Chandra | Bayesics for Transient gravitational wave astronomy |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
The precise measurement of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) has opened a window to connect fundamental physics with observations. If spacetime exhibited a strong quantum mechanical behavior before the Hot Big Bang, could we detect signatures of this regime today? In this introductory seminar, we explore how the study of correlations in the CMB sky can address this question, highlighting recent developments and possible future avenues for an effective, evidence-based approach to quantum gravity.
14:00 | Mauricio Gamonal | Searching for Quantum Gravity in the Sky |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
Compact objects like neutron stars, black holes, and white dwarfs are studied through various observational channels, but distinguishing them often majorly depends on assumed mass ranges. Are these mass ranges theoretically robust, or could different compact objects act as “imposters” within overlapping ranges? This talk explores the limitations and biases in current classification methods and discusses their broader implications for fundamental physics.
14:00 | Sanika Khadkikar | The Imposter Among Us |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
Although classically black holes could be characterized as perfect absorbers, this is no longer true once quantum effects are taken into account. In fact, black holes are not black: they “glow red” with radiation. In this talk, we will introduce the Hawking effect and illustrate how it can be used to cook up some eggs. Physical implications will be qualitatively reviewed. The focus will be on building an intuitive picture of the physics by utilizing order-of-magnitude estimates and toy models.
14:00 | Daniel Paraizo | Cooking Eggs with Black Holes |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
A complete model for dark matter should be able to capture most, if not all, of the well-known phenomenology. Many attempts have been made to paint a complete picture of dark matter which reveal interesting observables that can be probed directly or in-directly. Exotic models of dark matter can include self-interactions (SIDM) or dissipation channels that can lead to the formation of compact objects. I will give a brief discussion on dark matter models and highlight their observable signatures.
14:00 | Jeysen Flores-Velázquez | Dark Matter Phenomenology |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
This talk focuses on applications of emergent modified gravity. In this formulation, the spacetime is an emergent object with a nontrivial dependence on the phase space derived from modified structure functions resulting from the closure of modified constraints of the Hamiltonian formalism of gravity. Dynamical solutions of the spherically symmetric model include nonsingular black holes, new effects in gravitational collapse, and MOND-like effects at intermediate scales.
14:00 | Erick Duque | Emergent modified gravity: Applications |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
Gravitational microlensing is a powerful probe to measure the mass distribution of compact object populations. The simplest scenario is the point-source point-lens (PSPL) model, characterized by a time-symmetric light curve. Beyond PSPL, there are additional features that can show up under more complex conditions. We will also highlight upcoming microlensing surveys and their potential to detect compact objects, including compact objects related to dark matter.
14:00 | Joel Cortez | Gravitational Microlensing: Light Curve Signatures |
PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
Contrary to isolated closed systems studied in most textbooks, physical systems in nature tend to interact with their environment. To make a measurement, one will need to have their system interact with a measurement device whose wavefunction is too complicated to write down. The observable universe interacts with the unobservable universe. These are examples of open quantum systems. In this talk, we will introduce dynamical maps and our approach in developing a theory for open quantum systems.
14:30 | Tommy Chin | Open Quantum Systems via Dynamical Maps |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
14:00 | Julien Alfaro | Overview of Ice Radio Neutrino Experiments |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
In quantum models of space-time, the metric is often replaced by more fundamental entities, such as spins and Lorentz invariants in spin-foam models, which describe the dynamics of loop quantum gravity. However, in general relativity, the metric field is almost completely determined by the causal structure. This raises the question: how is causality encoded in spin-foam models? In this seminar, I will introduce the basic ingredients of spin-foams and discuss how causality is encoded.
14:00 | Chaosong Chen | Causality in Spinfoams |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
2024-09-16 - 2024-09-20
When a Kerr black hole is perturbed, it undergoes damped oscillations described by quasi-normal modes (QNMs) with decay times and complex frequencies completely determined by the black hole’s mass and spin. QNMs can be used to describe the gravitational-wave signal produced by the remnant of a binary black hole merger. This will be an introductory talk about QNMs and the tests of general relativity that can be performed by observing this “ringdown” phase, including key results from GW150914.
14:00 | Viviana Cáceres Barbosa | As the black hole rings: Quasi-normal modes of black holes |

PUG Seminar
Whitmore 321 (IGC Lounge)
NEST (Noble Element Simulation Technique) is a semi-empirical model that describes the charge and light signals generated by particle interactions in liquid noble elements. This tool is particularly effective for simulating the behavior of dark matter detectors that utilize liquid noble elements as target material. In this seminar, I will explain how NEST can be employed to simulate the detector response of liquid-xenon-based detectors used for direct dark matter search.
14:00 | Yen-Ting Chin | Simulations for dark matter experiments with NEST |

Primordial power spectrum in effective theories of inflation, Mauricio Gamonal, Penn State
International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
10:00 | Mauricio Gamonal | Primordial power spectrum in effective theories of inflation |

GAPP Seminar
Davey 339
GAPP Seminar Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 2pm in Davey 339
Speaker: George Zahariade, Jagiellonian University (Poland) Title: Semiclassical Backreaction in Quantum Mechanics
Abstract: The backreaction of quantum degrees of freedom on classical backgrounds is a poorly understood topic in theoretical physics. Most often it is treated within the semiclassical approximation with the help of various ad hoc prescriptions accounting for the effect of quantum excitations on the dynamics of the background. In this talk I will focus on two popular ones: (i) the mean-field approximation whereby quantum degrees of freedom couple to the classical background via their quantum expectation values; (ii) the stochastic method whereby the fully coupled system is evolved using classical equations of motion for various randomly sampled initial conditions of the quantum degree of freedom, and a statistical average is done a posteriori. I will evaluate the performance of each method in a simple toy model against a fully quantum mechanical treatment, identify its regime of validity, and interpret the results in terms of quantum entanglement and loss of classicality of the background.
14:00 | George Zahariade | Semiclassical Backreaction in Quantum Mechanics |

Special Seminar
323 Whitmore Lab
Leonardo Chiesa (U Trento) will give a special seminar talk entitled: Detailed neutrino-matter interaction rates in binary neutron star mergers
GW170817 marked the first outstanding detection of a gravitational-wave signal from the coalescence of a binary neutron star (BNS) system. The successful follow-up campaign for electromagnetic counterparts has confirmed the remarkable scientific potential of BNS mergers as multi-messenger astrophysical sources. To fully harness this potential, reliable theoretical modeling is essential to avoid systematic errors when interpreting observations. For instance, the interplay between neutrinos and nuclear matter can generate distinct fingerprints on the coalescence, such as affecting the fate of the post-merger remnant or the final nucleosynthesis outcome in the ejecta. To properly model the impact of neutrinos in numerical BNS simulations, one should provide neutrino-matter interaction rates that are as accurate as possible. However, current implementations often rely on oversimplifications or omit potentially relevant neutrino-matter reactions.
To address this need, I will present a novel numerical library designed to evaluate detailed neutrino-matter interaction rates in the context of BNS mergers. The library incorporates the impact of various physical effects on the rates, which are typically not considered in standard implementations. As an application example, I will exploit the library to predict typical neutrino rates for thermodynamics conditions taken from the post-merger phase of BNS merger simulations with moment-truncated (M1) neutrino transport. Such a study can help to identify the minimum set of relevant reactions and the corresponding accuracy needed to precisely predict the impact of neutrinos on the system.
11:30 | Leonardo Chiesa | Detailed neutrino-matter interaction rates in binary neutron star mergers |

Special Seminar
323 Whitmore Lab
Authur Offermans (KU Leuven) will give a special seminar talk entitled: A general-relativistic full Boltzmann solver based on the finite volume method
Simulations of astrophysical systems where neutrinos play a significant role, like core-collapse supernovae, would ideally solve the neutrino transport equation fully, i.e. solve the full Boltzmann equation. Because of its very high computational cost (6+1D), simulations generally rely on approximations of the equation that are more affordable. It is however difficult to estimate what is lost through these approximations and their impact on the system if we do not have access to a full solution. Therefore, we developed a multidimensional full Boltzmann solver based on the Finite Volume method within the GRMHD simulation code Gmunu. We will present our solver, discuss some of the challenges related to a full Boltzmann solver and show the performance of our solver on some first test cases.
11:00 | Arthur Offermans | A general-relativistic full Boltzmann solver based on the finite volume method |

Remembrance for Valerie
321 Whitmore Lab
On Friday, April 19th, 4-5:30pm, the IGC will host a gathering to remember the life and science of Valerie Lindner in Whitmore Lab.
4:00 | IGC | Valerie Lindner's Life and Science |

2024 IGC Art Showcase
321 Whitmore Lab
The second annual IGC Art Showcase will be held on April 18th from 5-7pm. Journey through the intersection of art and science with fellow IGC members! Pizza and light refreshments will be provided.
5:00 | IGC | IGC Art Showcase |

Neutrino Focus Session
Davey 339, Whitmore 320
2024-04-11 - 2024-04-12
Recently the Particle Physics Prioritization Panel report emphasized the importance of neutrino physics, building on the recommendation of the Astro2020 Decadal Survey to explore multimessenger astrophysics. During the meeting we will explore the strengths in the CMA and IGC related to neutrino physics and astrophysics and look for areas of commonality. The goal is to develop a vision for joint projects, perhaps building on existing projects like AMON or developing new ones.
9:00 | Stephanie Wissel | Overview and goal setting |
9:15 | Irina Mocioiu, Kayla DeHolton, Doug Cowen, Stephanie Wissel | Flavor physics and oscillations |
10:15 | Luiz de Viveiros, Sarah Shandera, Kohta Murase | Fundamental properties and interactions of neutrinos |
9:00 | Kohta Murase, Hugo Ayala Solares, Tetyana Pitik | Multimessenger astrophysics with neutrinos |
10:15 | Jimmy DeLaunay, Stephanie Wissel | Neutrino searches, experiments/missions & MMA connections |
11:00 | Mainak Mukhopadhyay, Mukul Bhattacharya, Yi Qiu, David Radice | MeV-GeV neutrinos |
12:15 | Stephanie Wissel | Close out and action items |

GAPP Seminar - Weak Gravitational Lensing from the Ground, the Stratosphere, and Space
339 Davey Lab
Jacqueline McCleary, Northeastern University
The standard model of cosmology (aka L+Cold Dark Matter or LCDM) has successfully explained astrophysical observations as diverse as anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background, baryon acoustic oscillations, and the flatness of galaxy rotation curves. A key phenomenon within the LCDM framework is weak gravitational lensing, which describes the small distortions of more distant galaxies due to the gravitational influence of intervening matter. Gravitational lensing is thus a direct probe of all matter, dark and baryonic, offering insights into the universe’s total mass densityWM and the clustering amplitude of cosmic structures (s8).
In this seminar, I will describe three very different campaigns to measure weak gravitational lensing signal from the ground (LoVoCCS), in the stratosphere (SuperBIT), and from space (COSMOS-Web). The discussion will focus on the unique features of each of these observational programs, how they advance our ability to constrainWM and s8,and what they could ultimately contribute to our evolving understanding of dark matter’s role in structure formation.
14:00 | Jacqueline McCleary | Weak Gravitational Lensing from the Ground, the Stratosphere, and Space |

Special CAMP Seminar
339 Davey and https://psu.zoom.us/j/96720940863?pwd=a3FhYTdUM0dBdGRXZ3NWUzIrTmpvUT09 - Password: 804956
Prof. Zhida Song from Peking University will give a special CAMP seminar talk entitled: Kondo Phase in Twisted Bilayer Graphene - A Unified Theory for Distinct Experiments.
Abstract: A number of interesting physics phenomena have been discovered in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene(MATBG), such as superconductivity, correlated gapped and gapless phases, etc. The gapped phases are believed to be symmetry-breaking states described by mean-field theories. Gapless phases, however, exhibit exotic phenomena beyond naive mean-field descriptions. Such phenomena include (i) zero-energy peaks in spectral density at low temperatures, (ii) a cascade of transitions as that of a quantum dot at higher temperatures, (iii) the Pomeranchuk effect where local moment develops upon heating, (iv) resistance peaks in gapless phases at certain integer fillings, etc. These phenomena have never been connected or explained on a microscopic level by any prior theory. In this work, we point out that all these phenomena result from a simple unified mechanism- the Kondo effect. We applied systematic analytical and numerical renormalization group analyses to a singleimpurity version of the recently proposed topological heavy fermion (THF) model of MATBG. We find that the Fermi liquid ground state exhibiting (i) zero-energy peaks is stabilized by the Kondo screening effect. A higher temperature will drive the system into a local moment phase that obeys Curie’s law and has higher entropy. This explains the (ii) transition cascade, (iii) the Pomeranchuk effect, and (iv) resistance peaks. Remarkably, using realistic parameters given by the previous THF model work, the computed spectral densities, entropies, and spin susceptibilities are quantitatively comparable to experiments. Furthermore, we predict that the ground state in a wide range of fractional fillings is the heavy Fermi liquid, and compute its dispersion, quasi-particle weight, and energy surfaces that could be used to verify our theory if compared to experiments in the future studies. We conjecture that the heavy Fermi liquid is the parent state of the observed unconventional superconductivity. It is also possible that the observed “strange metal” behavior could be connected to the competition between RKKY interaction and Kondo screening.
10:15 | Zhi-Da Song | Kondo Phase in Twisted Bilayer Graphene - A Unified Theory for Distinct Experiments. |

IGC-All Meeting
538 Davey Lab
A debrief of the External Advisory Board’s notes for the IGC. All are encouraged to attend.
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | EAB Debrief |

Primordial Universe and Gravity (PUG) Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
Zhenyuan Wang - The Renormalization in Cosmological Perturbation Theory
14:00 | Zhenyuan Wang | The Renormalization in Cosmological Perturbation Theory |

Special Condensed Atomic Molecular Physics (CAMP) Seminar
318 Osmond
Yihang Zeng - Interplay between Correlation and Topology in TMD Moiré Materials
10:00 | Yihang Zeng | Interplay between Correlation and Topology in TMD Moiré Materials |

Physics Colloquium - Eklund Award winners Ish Gupta and Marius Jürgensen
101 Osmond and https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
The 2023 Peter Clay Eklund Lecture Awards for Scientific Communication
15:45 | Ish Gupta and Marius Jürgensen | 2023 Peter Clay Eklund Lecture Awards for Scientific Communication |

Gravity, Astroparticle and Particle Physics (GAPP) Seminar
320 Whitmore Lab
Anuradha Gupta, Extracting Astrophysics from Spin Precession in Binary Black Holes
11:00 | Anuradha Gupta | Extracting Astrophysics from Spin Precession in Binary Black Holes |

Primordial Universe and Gravity (PUG) Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
Shio Sakon, topic to be announced
14:30 | Shio Sakon | Topic TBA |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond
Steven Prohira, Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Detection…with Radar?
15:45 | Steven Prohira | Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Detection...with Radar? |

Condensed Atomic Molecular Physics (CAMP) Seminar
339 Davey Lab
Xifan Wu, Unravelling the Mystery of Water and Aqueous Solutions by Theories of both Electronic Ground State and Excitation
15:45 | Xifan Wu | Unravelling the Mystery of Water and Aqueous Solutions by Theories of both Electronic Ground State and Excitation |

Center for Fundamental Theory Meeting
538 Davey Lab
A discussion of the connections between IGC centers and the new directions the Center could go in.
14:00 | Martin Bojowald and Jacob Bourjaily | The CFT's new directions? |

Friedman Lecture - John Mather
100 Thomas
On Saturday April 8, the Astro Department is hosting a very unusual outreach visitor: Dr. John C. Mather, chief scientist of the James Webb Space Telescope and winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for cosmology. Dr. Mather will be our 2023 Friedman Lecturer in Astronomy speaking to the public and University communities on JWST. This is expected to be the Department’s largest outreach event in years.
Breakfast will be held at 8:45-9:45AM in 114 McAllister. If you’d like to join for breakfast, please sign in here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IzpPAspJ0KgsKI_lPwzZk5_e2fXQWDTg05JVMmNGQpw/edit#gid=0
A few small groups of researchers or students can meet with Dr. Mather from 10-12:00PM in 432 Davey. If you are interested, please send an email by Monday, the 27th, with your attendees to Drs. Feigelson and McEntaffer.
Dr. Mather will give the public 2023 Friedman Lecture in Astronomy in 100 Thomas from 2:30-3:30pm. Please attend with friends and families.
14:30 | John Mather | Friedman Lecture |

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
LQC of Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity, Beatriz Elizaga, LSU
10:00 | Beatriz Elizaga | LQC of Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity |

CMA Meeting
538 Davey Lab
News updates - We will have coffee and snacks, and everyone is welcome to come
14:00 | Miguel Mostafa | News updates |

Physics Colloquium - Zolton Fodor
339 Davey and https://psu.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4226e3ef532a8590ae62886fb&id=beab6e7bef&e=9148850abf
The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon
15:45 | Zolton Fodor | The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon |

Primordial Universe and Gravity (PUG) Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
Jackson henry - Title and Abstract to be circulated later this week
14:30 | Jackson Henry | Title TBA |

Physics Colloquium - Zvi Bern
101 Osmond and https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
Title: From Quantum Scattering Amplitudes to Gravitational Waves
Abstract: The remarkable detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration has opened a new window into the cosmos. In this colloquium we explain how particle theorists can help out with calculations directly relevant for gravitational-wave emission from compact astrophysical objects. The past decade has seen enormous advances in our ability to compute quantum scattering amplitudes making seemingly impossible calculations tractable. These advances include ideas such as the duality between color and kinematics, double-copy relations, generalized unitarity, and improved integration methods. The starting point in this approach is that gravity is transmitted by a massless spin 2 particle. After introducing these concepts, we explain how these ideas are transferred to produce new state-of-the-art calculations for the astrophysical binary black hole inspiral problem.
15:45 | Zvi Bern | From Quantum Scattering Amplitudes to Gravitational Waves |

Center for Theoretical and Observational Cosmology Meeting
538 Davey Lab
Jahmour Givans, a visiting postdoc and FFPS fellow at Princeton, will give a brief, informal presentation on “Modeling the Lyman-alpha forest autocorrelation and its cross-correlation with dark matter halos”. Coffee and snacks will be provided as usual.
14:00 | Jahmour Givans | Modeling the Lyman-alpha forest autocorrelation and its cross-correlation with dark matter halos |

Special Condensed Atomic Molecular Physics (CAMP) Seminar - Xiaoliang Qi, Stanford
339 Davey Lab
Title: Spacetime Mutual Information
Abstract: Most quantum information measures are defined for quantum states. For example, mutual information measures the correlation between two subsystems in a quantum state. It is natural to ask whether correlation in spacetime can be characterized by some generalization of mutual information. In this work, we propose a space-time generalization of mutual information. The key idea is to consider a general “quantum experiment” that measures the correlation between two space-time regions, and use the setup of hypothesis testing. We discuss various properties of the spacetime mutual information, including how it provides an upper bound for all connected correlation functions, which is a direct generalization of the similar property of ordinary mutual information.
10:00 | Xiaoliang Qi | Spacetime Mutual Information |

Condensed Atomic Molecular Physics (CAMP) Seminar - Ilya Sochnikov
339 Davey Lab
Title: Tunable Magnetic Domains and Walls in a Noncentrosymmetric Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal
Abstract: In Weyl semimetals, chirality is a new degree of freedom that has great potential for fundamental physics as well as for the development of new devices for storing and processing information. The combination of the topology of the Weyl fermions with magnetism is particularly attractive: magnetic Weyl materials are predicted to exhibit electromagnetic properties transformed by emergent gauge axial fields. To advance this field of research, it is essential to understand the detailed magnetic domains physics of these materials. In this study, we investigated spontaneous magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of a non-centrosymmetric ferromagnetic (FM) Weyl semimetal: CeAlSi
15:45 | Ilya Sochnikov | Tunable Magnetic Domains and walls in a Noncentrosymmetric Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal |

Primordial Universe and Gravity (PUG) Seminar
321 Whitmore
Michael Plesser - Amplitudes beyond QFT: Correcting Coulomb and Newton with On-Shell Methods
14:00 | Michael Plesser | Amplitudes beyond QFT: Correcting Coulomb and Newton with On-Shell Methods |

Physics Colloquium - Visualizing Many Body Quantum States in Magical Flat Bands
101 Osmond and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
Ali Yazdani, University of Princeton
15:45 | Ali Yazdani | Visualizing Many Body Quantum States in Magical Flat Bands |

Astro Colloquium - Data At Your Fingertips: Using Citizen Science in Undergraduate Astronomy Classrooms
538 Davey Lab
Molly Simon - With big data on the rise, research teams across a multitude of disciplines are left with more data than they have time to analyze independently. Citizen science is an invaluable tool that involves crowdsourcing aspects of the data analysis process, enabling these research teams to solve problems involving large quantities of data more efficiently while simultaneously taking advantage of the inherently human talent for pattern recognition and anomaly detection.
15:45 | Molly Simon | Data At Your Fingertips: Using Citizen Science in Undergraduate Astronomy Classrooms |

IGC-all Meeting
538 Davey Lab
Details about upcoming IGC events, including the Neighborhood Workshop, Art Showcase and External Advisory Board Meetings will be given. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | IGC-all Meeting |

Condensed Atomic Molecular Physics (CAMP) Seminar - Quantum Phenomena in the Landau Levels of Atomically-Thin Transition Metal Dicalcogenides
Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/96178311702?pwd=bWNHRXE5QUdkbTVEY1F3dFlhR3JvZz09
Landau levels offer a neat model system to study emergent quantum phases, owing to the dominating Coulomb interactions and tunable orbital wavefunctions. In atomically-thin transition metal dicalcogenide, the well-resolved and -controlled spin, valley and layer degree of freedom further enriches the physics that can be explored. In this talk, I’ll discuss a few examples in WSe2: first, a bilayer WSe2 allows selective carrier population of the individual layers; when the filling factor of the two layers is an integer number, it manifests as a natural platform for interlayer exciton condensate. Second, a large imbalance in the population of two (pseudo)spins gives rise to spin-dependent transport in partially filled Landau levels - the spin-minority carriers are much less mobile than the spin-majority carriers. We explain such behavior using a polaron picture.
15:45 | Qianhui Shi | Quantum Phenomena in the Landau Levels of Atomically-thin Transition Metal Dicalcogenides |

Primordial Universe and Gravity (PUG) Seminar
321 Whitmore
Rahul Kashyap, Relativistic Rotating Stars
14:00 | Rahul Kashyap | Relativistic Rotating Stars |

Gravity, Astroparticle and Particle Physics (GAPP) Seminar
320 Whitmore Lab
I will explore the possibility that the couplings describing the strengths of the Standard Model gauge forces take different values at very early times. As I will show, such a scenario is typically consistent with current observations if the variation happens early enough, and can cause us to radically rethink processes such as dark matter production or the generation of the matter-anti-matter asymmetry.
11:00 | Tim Tait | Dynamical Couplings in the Early Universe |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond and https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
I will discuss the need to extend the Standard Model of particle physics in order to describe the dark matter, a mysterious substance whose existence can be inferred from cosmological measurements, but whose fundamental nature remains unknown. I’ll discuss how a broad strategy of searching for dark matter using techniques from particle physics and astronomy maximize our chances of successfully discovering its identity, and what this could mean for future research in particle physics.
15:45 | Tim Tait | Casting a Wide Net for Dark Matter |

Astro Colloquium
538 Davey Lab
Data is one of the fundamental quantities on which progress in astronomy is predicated. Yet there is often a disproportionate emphasis on immediate science results over the development of robust methods to process and even model the underlying data. In this talk I will present a case study demonstrating the benefits of investing in modern software development for data modeling – the challenge of imaging in radio interferometry. I will first overview the standard approach to imaging, wherein telescopes such as ALMA are purpose-built to observe at generational resolution and sensitivity, while the software that images the data uses an empirical, decades-old modeling framework that does not leverage the highest resolution and sensitivity information. Then I will discuss two modern, open-source software packages designed to perform imaging more accurately, quickly and autonomously, within a simple and well-documented software architecture. Comparing their performance on ALMA observations of protoplanetary disks to the standard imaging approach, I will show how these algorithms employ statistical techniques to simultaneously achieve higher resolution and sensitivity in their reconstructed images. Finally I will preview the new science these tools are driving in the protoplanetary disk field, including the Bayesian inference made possible by self-consistently imaging hundreds of datasets at high fidelity.
15:45 | Jeff Jennings | The Scientific Utility of Software Development: a Case Study in Radio Interferometry |

Noncommutative Geometry Weekly Seminar
Whitmore 320
Weekly seminar meeting to explore locally-relevant research topics in noncommutative geometry in the context of mathematical physics under the connes program.
2:30 | Et. Al. | Noncommutative Geometry Seminar |

Center for Fundamental Theory Meeting
538 Davey Lab
Discussion topics will include center visibility, the center’s description text, so-called “mini-courses” for faculty members to introduce their research. Coffee and bagels will be provided, and, as always, all IGC members are encouraged to attend.
14:00 | Jacob Bourjaily and Martin Bojowald | CFT Mini-course Discussion |

Condensed Atomic Molecular Physics (CAMP) Seminar
339 Davey Lab
Speaker: Debanjan Chowdhury, Cornell Title: Useful Bounds on Superconducting Tc Abstract: Superconductivity in the limit of a vanishing bandwidth in isolated bands is a classic example of a non-perturbative problem, where BCS theory does not apply. What sets the superconducting phase stiffness, and relatedly the transition temperature, in this limit is of both fundamental and practical interest. This question has become especially relevant with the discovery of superconductivity in moiré materials. I will begin by examining critically the relevance of various proposed bounds on the superconducting transition temperature and propose a non-perturbative upper bound on the integrated optical spectral weight for partially filled electronic flat bands with generic density-density interactions. I will also present numerically exact results for the interplay between superconductivity and various competing orders in models of interacting flat-bands.
15:45 | Debanjan Chowdhury | Useful Bounds on Superconducting Tc |

GAPP Seminar
320 Whitmore
Maria Babiuc Hamilton
11:00 | Maria Babiuc Hamilton | Beyond Infinity: PITTNULL Code and the Cauchy-characteristic Extraction of Gravitational Waves |

CEHW Seminar
538 Davey Lab
2023-02-27 - 2023-03-03
Emily Rickman, Combining Exoplanet Measurement Techniques to Discover, Weigh and Characterize Cold Gas Giants
11:00 | Emily Rickman | Combining Exoplanet Measurement Techniques to Discover, Weigh and Characterize Cold Gas Giants |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond
Adam Kaufman, Programmable Control of Indistinguishable Particles: From Sampling to Clocks to Qubits
15:45 | Adam Kaufman | 101 Osmond |

CMA-All Meeting
538 Davey Lab
Center funding proposals, an update on LIGO O4, and thermal effects in binary neutron star mergers.
14:00 | Miguel Mostafa | Proposals, LIGO Update, and Thermal Effects in Neutron Star Mergers |

PUG Seminar
321 Whitmore
Mary Ogborn, title to be announced
14:00 | Mary Ogborn | Title to be announced |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond
Zohar Komargodski, Semi-Classical Limits at Large Quantum Numbers
15:45 | Zohar Komargodski | Semi-Classical Limits at Large Quantum Numbers |

Black History Month 2023 Keynote - Moogega Cooper
100 Huck Life Sciences Building
Diversity in STEAM from a Real-Life Guardian of the Galaxy
17:00 | Moogega Cooper | Diversity in STEAM from a Real-Life Guardian of the Galaxy |

Astro Colloquium
538 Davey Lab
Kailash C. Sahu, First Detection and Mass Measurement of an Isolated Black Hole through Astrometric Microlensing
15:45 | Kailash C. Sahu | First Detection and Mass Measurement of an Isolated Black Hole through Astrometric Microlensing |

CEHW Seminar
Andrew Pellegrino, DIAmante TESS Autoregressive Planet Search (DTARPS) Year 2
12:30 | Andrew Pellegrino | DIAmante TESS Autoregressive Planet Search (DTARPS) Year 2 |

IGC-All Meeting
538 Davey Lab
Introductions for new members and visitors, upcoming proposal meetings, and information about the postdoc and student poster event.
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | Introductions and Updates |

CAMP Seminar
339 Davey Lab
Katja Nowack, Understanding Electronic Transport through Local Magnetic Measurements
14:45 | Katja Nowack | Understanding Electronic Transport through Local Magnetic Measurements |

GAPP Seminar - Pietro Dona
320 Whitmore
GAPP SEMINAR (Gravity, Astroparticle & Particle Physics) Friday, February 17th 11:00 am, 320 Whitmore Zoom link: https://psu.zoom.us/j/93737760341?pwd=Qlc4bWFDU0taSHhJK0RHeWMvendHZz09 Meeting: 937 3776 0341 Passcode: 150786
Speaker: Pietro Dona (CSTQ, Marseille)
Title: An Overview of Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity Abstract: Covariant loop quantum gravity (or spin foam theory) defines a background-independent Lorentzian path integral for gravity. I will review its formulation and highlight its successes, open questions, and physical applications. Numerical calculations have been a major driving force in recent developments. I will overview the leading frameworks, their ingredients, and regimes of validity.
11:00 | Pietro Dona | An Overview of Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity |

GAPP Seminar
320 Whitmore
Pietro Dona, An Overview of Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity
11:00 | Pietro Dona | An Overview of Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity |

PUG Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
Victoria Niu, A Discovery of Coleman’s False Vacuum Decay and its Cosmological Impact.
14:00 | Victoria Niu | Topic to be announced |

Astro Colloquium
538 Davey Lab
The Proposed STAR-X MIDEX Mission: Studying The Fast, Furious and Forming Universe in the X-ray and UV
15:45 | Ann Hornschemeier Cardiff | The Proposed STAR-X MIDEX Mission: Studying The Fast, Furious and Forming Universe in the X-ray and UV |

NCG Student Seminar
320 Whitmore
Brief talks on NCG provided by graduate students.
2:30 | Jacob Brad | NCG talk #3 |

Shared CEHW Seminar
538 Davey Lab
Tyler Richey-Yowell The UV and X-Ray Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
Aishwarya Iyer The SPHINX Grid: New Model Atmospheres to Derive Fundamental M-Dwarf Properties
Nuri Park Connecting Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) to Far-Ultraviolet Flares
Peter Smith S’more Roasting Marshmallows - The Atmosphere of WASP-121 b is 13CO-enriched
11:15 | Tyler Richey-Yowell, Aishwarya Iyer, Nuri Park, Peter Smith | Shared Virtual Seminar |

CAMP Seminar
339 Davey Lab
Martin Claassen, Topology and Light-Matter Interactions in Moiré Heterostructures
2:00 | Martin Claassen | An (Over)view of Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity |

PUG Seminar
321 Whitmore
Erick Munio Garcia, Thermodynamics from Entanglement in QFT
14:00 | Erick Munio Garcia | Thermodynamics from Entanglement in QFT |

Astro Colloquium
538 Davey Lab
Kristen McQuinn, Galaxy Evolution at the Faint-End of the Luminosity Function
17:00 | Kristen McQuinn | Galaxy Evolution at the Faint-End of the Luminosity Function |

ILQGS - Panel on black holes in LQG
339 Davey Lab
International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
Title: Panel on black holes in LQG Speakers: Muxin Han, Parampreet Singh, Ed Wilson-Ewing, Viqar Husain (Chair)
Time & Location: 10am, 339 Davey Lab Zoom Link: https://lsu.zoom.us/j/97017759448?pwd=WG14eG9XdHJqVlZncHJCa1c0OFc3dz09
10:00 | Muxin Han, Parampreet Singh, Ed Wilson-Ewing, Viqar Husain (Chair) | Panel on black holes in LQG |

CTOC Meeting
538 Davey Lab
CTOC-focused meeting led by Donghui Jeong, focusing on research updates.
14:00 | Donghui Jeong | CTOC Meeting |

Camp Seminar
339 Davey Lab
Suguru Yoshida, Atomic Displacements in Crystals: What Occurs and Why
15:45 | Suguru Yoshida | Atomic Displacements in Crystals: What Occurs and Why |

PUG Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
James Kennington
14:00 | James Kennington | TBA |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond
Riccardo Penco, From Black Holes to Superfluidity: Effective Theories of Point-Like Particles
15:45 | Riccardo Penco | From Black Holes to Superfluidity: Effective Theories of Point-Like Particles |

JWST: From First Light to First Science
538 Davey Lab and https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
Marshall Perrin Abstract: After decades of development by a globe-spanning team, JWST is now providing an unprecedented view of the cosmos. In this talk I will describe our experience thus far operating this new great observatory: from mission design history and development, to prelaunch preparations, to launch and commissioning, and now into the first of many years of mission operations at the Earth-Sun L2 point. I will provide a first-hand look at the processes and teamwork we used to deploy the observatory and align its segmented mirror system, and discuss some of the surprises (both challenges and good news) encountered during commissioning. Even from early in telescope commissioning, this observatory’s tremendous power and sensitivity were already apparent with spectacular images and spectra. Now during science operations, we continue to learn more about observatory hardware performance; this is still early days in our adventure with JWST. I will close with a look at (a small fraction of) some of the early science results with JWST, with particular attention to our early imaging observations of nearby exoplanetary systems.
15:45 | Marshall Perrin | JWST: From First Light to First Science |

CAMP Seminar
339 Davey Lab
He Zhao - Smectic Pair Density Wave Order in EuRbFe4As4
15:45 | He Zhao | Smectic Pair Density Wave Order in EuRbFe4As4 |

GAPP Seminar
320 Whitmore Lab
Alexander Edison, Northwestern University
11:00 | Alexander Edison | Title TBA |

PUG Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
Kokkimidis Patatoukos
14:00 | Kokkimidis Patatoukos | Title TBA |

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
339 Davey Lab and https://lsu.zoom.us/j/91721836632?pwd=OUpQdE52YmYwMW0vUWhBSHdRTmJtQT09
Hanno Stahlmann presents a talk entitled “Chiral Super Loop Quantum Gravity”
10:00 | Jorge Sofo | Chiral Super Loop Quantum Gravity |
International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
Whitmore 320
International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar Hanno Sahlmann (FAU Erlangen) Chiral Super LQG
2023-01-24 at 10:00 Whitmore 320
Zoom: https://lsu.zoom.us/j/91721836632?pwd=OUpQdE52YmYwMW0vUWhBSHdRTmJtQT09
10:00 | Hanno Sahlmann | Chiral Super LQG |

CAMP Seminar
339 Davey Lab
Jorge Sofo presents a talk entitled “Generalized Quantum Langevin Equation for Transport: The Case for Interband Coherences in the Electrical Conductivity” in 339 Davey Lab. Refreshments will be provided.
15:45 | Jorge Sofo | Generalized Quantum Langevin Equation for Transport: The Case for Interband Coherences in the Electrical Conductivity |

Katie Mack to Present SAGF Lecture
Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library
Dr. Katie Mack is a theoretical astrophysicist exploring a range of questions in cosmology, the study of the universe from beginning to end. She currently holds the position of Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, where she carries out research on dark matter and the early universe and works to make physics more accessible to the general public. She is the author of the book “The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)” and has written for a number of popular publications, such as Scientific American, Slate, Sky & Telescope, Time, and Cosmos magazine. She can be found on twitter as @AstroKatie.
13:00 | Katie Mack | Physics at the End of the Universe |
Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
HUB Center
2023-01-20 - 2023-01-22
Penn State is one a site for the 2023 CUWiP, a student-organized, APS supported conference for undergraduate women in physics. The featured speakers include accomplished IGC alums Dr. Sydney Chamberlin and Dr. Azadeh Keviani in the Explorers Talk Series. IGC will also host invited speaker Dr. Katie Mack, Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, for an extended visit following her talk in the CUWiP Explorers Series. More details about the event can be found at https://sites.psu.edu/cuwip2023/.
9:45 | Katie Mack | |
11:30 | Azadeh Keivani | |
9:00 | Sydney Chamberlin |

GAPP Seminar - Dhruv Desai
339 Davey and https://psu.zoom.us/j/93737760341?pwd=Qlc4bWFDU0taSHhJK0RHeWMvendHZz09
Title: GRMHD Simulations of Neutrino-Driven Winds From Proto-Neutron Stars
Abstract: Formed in the aftermath of a core-collapse supernova or neutron star merger, hot proto-neutron stars (PNSs) launch neutrino-driven winds within milliseconds, with the winds themselves lasting for tens of seconds. The PNS wind has long been considered a potential site for the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements (Z>60) via the rapid neutron capture process (r-process). Previous work has found that such winds are not favorable for r-process element production. I will present results of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the PNS wind with weak interactions, advanced microphysics and neutrino absorption. I will discuss how physical mechanisms of rapid rotation and strong magnetic fields of a PNS may independently affect wind dynamics and how these effects may change r- process viability.
13:30 | Dhruv Desai | GAPP: GRMHD Simulations of Neutrino-Driven Winds From Proto-Neutron Stars |

CTOC Meeting
538 Davey Lab
14:00 | Donghui Jeong | CTOC Meeting |

PUG Seminar - James Gurian
321 Whitmore
Title: Zero Metallicity in Zero CPU Hours
Abstract: I will begin with a pedagogical review of the theory of the formation of the first stars and the current open questions in the field. I will then present a new, analytic model for the formation of these stars which clarifies the essential physics. Despite its simplicity, this model agrees with the stellar mass predicted by expensive radiation-hydrodynamical simulations to within a factor of a few over the entire relevant parameter space.
14:00 | James Gurian | Topic to be announced |

Astro Colloquium
538 Davey Lab and https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
Galactic Archaeology in the Era of Large Surveys
15:45 | Keith Hawkins | Galactic Archaeology in the Era of Large Surveys |

Special ILQGS
320 Whitmore and https://psu.zoom.us/j/94818831322
Series: Special ILQGS Speaker: Fabio Mele (OIST) Title: Quantum frame relativity of subsystems, correlations, and (thermo)dynamics Time: 2:30pm, Wed, Dec.7th Room: 320 Whitmore Zoom (hybrid): https://psu.zoom.us/j/94818831322
14:30 | Fabio Mele | Quantum frame relativity of subsystems, correlations, and (thermo)dynamics |

No MAPchat this week
16:00 | James Kennington | MAPchat postponed |

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
318 Osmond
Series: ILQGS Speaker: Qian Chen (ENS Lyon) Title: Entanglement in spin network states Time: 10am, Tue, Dec.6th Room: 318 Osmond Zoom (hybrid): https://lsu.zoom.us/j/91721836632?pwd=OUpQdE52YmYwMW0vUWhBSHdRTmJtQT09
10:00 | Qian Chen | Entanglement in Spin Network States |

Workshop on Higher Structures
114 McAllister
2022-12-01 - 2022-12-04
The workshop will start around 2:00pm on Thursday, December 1 and end around noon on Sunday, December 4. No registration is required and all IGC members are encouraged to attend.
Please see the event page for more information: https://personal.psu.edu/mps16/2022_PSU_workshop.html
14:00 | Ping Xu | Workshop on Higher Structures |

Physics Colloquium - Ivan Agullo
101 Osmond and https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
Analog Gravity, Hawking Radiation, and Quantum Information
15:45 | Ivan Agullo | Analog Gravity, Hawking Radiation, and Quantum Information |

Astro Colloquium - Mark Vogelsberger
538 Davey Lab and https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
Simulating Early Structure and Galaxy Formation - The THESAN Project
15:45 | Mark Vogelsberger | Simulating Early Structure and Galaxy Formation - The THESAN Project |

GAPP Seminar: On Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory
339 Davey Lab, and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/s/93737760341
Speaker: Ivan Agullo (LSU) Title: On Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory
Abstract: It is believed that even the simplest states in the simplest field theories are highly entangled. The main support for this statement comes from the Reeh-Schlieder theorem and calculations of entanglement entropy between a region of space and its complement. I will argue that these results do not provide much information about the entanglement between individual local degrees of freedom. I will then present a way of quantifying such entanglement and show that entanglement in field theory is significantly less ubiquitous than it is commonly believed.
13:30 | Ivan Agullo | On Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory |

MAPchat - Samuel Wallace
320 Whitmore Lab
Weak Convergence of PDE’s
16:00 | Samuel Wallace | Weak Convergence of PDE's |

CFT Meeting
538 Davey Lab and https://psu.zoom.us/j/94790584999?pwd=RXJNa21jNmRxTFo0VHBWdlpCc3Nhdz09 (Password: 827251)
A discussion of the center’s goals and priorities, and a review of the center’s description.
14:00 | Jacob Bourjaily and Martin Bojowald | A discussion of the center's goals and priorities, and a review of the center's description. |

CEHW Seminar - Hareesh Bhaskar
Mildly-Hierarchical Triple Dynamics and Applications to the Outer Solar System
10:00 | Hareesh Bhaskar | Mildly-Hierarchical Triple Dynamics and Applications to the Outer Solar System |
International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
Online (Zoom Only) https://lsu.zoom.us/j/91721836632?pwd=OUpQdE52YmYwMW0vUWhBSHdRTmJtQT09
Eugenio Bianchi, Kristina Giesel, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Ivan Agullo (Chair) Title: Panel on Quantum Information and Quantum Gravity
https://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/ilqgs/ Online (Zoom Only)
10:00 | Eugenio Bianchi, Kristina Giesel, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Ivan Agullo | Panel on Quantum Information and Quantum Gravity |

PUG Seminar - Ish Gupta
320 Whitmore
Speaker: Ish Gupta Title: Lensing of Gravitational Waves
14:00 | Ish Gupta | Lensing of Gravitational Waves |

Astro Colloquium - Rachael Mandelbaum
538 Davey Lab and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
Speaker: Rachael Mandelbaum, Carnegie Mellon Title: Weak Lensing with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey – and Beyond!
15:45 | Rachael Mandelbaum | Weak Lensing with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey – and Beyond! |

MAPchat - Michael Plesser
320 Whitmore
Michael Plesser - Why Good Variables Matter: Representations of Poincare with Additional Structure
16:00 | Michael Plesser | Why Good Variables Matter: Representations of Poincare with Additional Structure. |

CMA Meeting
538 Davey Lab and https://psu.zoom.us/j/94790584999?pwd=RXJNa21jNmRxTFo0VHBWdlpCc3Nhdz09 (Password: 827251)
Finishing research updates, and a discussion on the center’s purpose.
14:00 | Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares | Research Presentations and a Discussion About the Role of the Center |

PUG Seminar - Mauricio Gamonal
321 Whitmore
Dealing with Higher Order Derivatives: From Particles to Cosmology
14:00 | Mauricio Gamonal | Dealing with Higher Order Derivatives: From Particles to Cosmology |

Physics Colloquium - Ashutosh Kotwai
101 Osmond and https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
The Heavyweight W Boson - An Upset to the Standard Model of Particle Physics
15:05 | Ashutosh Kotwai | An Upset to the Standard Model of Particle Physics |

Astro Colloquium - Josh Peek
538 Davey Lab and https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
The Interstellar Medium Beyond 3 Dimensions
15:45 | Josh Peek | The Interstellar Medium Beyond 3 Dimensions |

MAPchat - Garett Wendell
320 Whitmore
Calculation of Variances Behind Likelihood-free Inference
16:00 | Garett Wendell | Calculation of Variances Behind Likelihood-free Inference |

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
318 Osmond and Zoom: https://lsu.zoom.us/j/91721836632?pwd=OUpQdE52YmYwMW0vUWhBSHdRTmJtQT09
Mehdi Assanioussi (University of Warsaw) Title: Matter in LQG https://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/ilqgs/
10:00 | Mehdi Assanioussi | Matter in LQG |

GAPP: Development and Construction of the High-Energy Light Isotope Experiment
339 Davey and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/s/93737760341
Lucas Beaufore, University of Chicago The High Energy Light Isotope eXperiment (HELIX) is a balloon-borne magnet spectrometer which seeks to address critical questions in cosmic ray physics by measuring the chemical and isotopic abundances of key light isotopes in the cosmic ray flux. One such measurement, that of the ratio of Be-10/Be-9, will provide strong discrimination between cosmic ray propagation models. In its first of two planned flights, HELIX will measure these abundances up to the ~3 GeV/n region. The instrument consists of a 1T superconducting magnet, a gas particle tracking system placed in the bore of the magnet, an aerogel RICH with a focal plane made of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs), a scintillating fiber hodoscope, and a scintillating paddle time-of-flight system. This talk will cover the design, construction, and calibration of HELIX’s novel RICH as well as a brief overview of HELIX’s payload.
13:30 | Lucas Beaufore | Development and Construction of the High-Energy Light Isotope Experiment |

PUG Seminar - Jacob Fields
321 Whitmore Lab
The Thermal Effects of the Nuclear Equation of State on Binary Neutron Star Mergers
14:00 | Jacob Fields | PUG Seminar |

Astro Hybrid Colloquium - Revealing the First Billion Years in the James Webb Era
538 Davey and https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
Eli Visbal, The University of Toledo
15:45 | Eli Visbal | Revealing the First Billion Years in the James Webb Era |

GAPP Seminar - The Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to High-Energy Neutrinos
339 Davey and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/s/93737760341
Robert Stein, Caltech
13:30 | Robert Stein | The Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to High-Energy Neutrinos |

MAPchat Seminar
320 Whitmore Lab
An Introduction to the Poincare Group
16:00 | Joshua Black | An Introduction to the Poincare group |

IGC-All Meeting
538 Davey and https://psu.zoom.us/j/94790584999?pwd=RXJNa21jNmRxTFo0VHBWdlpCc3Nhdz09 (Password: 827251)
This week’s IGC-All meeting is focused on networking and professional development for graduate students and postdocs. Attendees are welcome to posit agendas on the bulletin board:
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | IGC-All Meeting |

Physics Colloquium - Liang Fu
538 Davey Lab and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/93946951319?pwd=dFVHR21XbDExR0JQanNBUldENEFvQT09
Liang Fu presents on the topological state in the Mott insulator
16:45 | Liang Fu | The Topological State of the Mott Insulator |

Astronomy Colloquium - Eugene Chiang
538 Davey Lab and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/92637070419
Eugene Chiang gives a primer on planet formation
17:00 | Eugene Chiang | A Primer on Planet Formation |

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar
318 Osmond and Zoom: https://lsu.zoom.us/j/91721836632?pwd=OUpQdE52YmYwMW0vUWhBSHdRTmJtQT09
Abhay Ashtekar on quantum field theory and space-like singularities.
10:00 | Abhay Ashtekar | Quantum field theory and space-like singularities |

GAPP Seminar: The Equation of State of QCD: Status and Perspectives
339 Davey Lab, and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/s/93737760341
Claudia Ratti, University of Houston, discusses quantum chromodynamics simulations.
13:30 | Claudia Ratti | The Equation of State of QCD: Status and Perspectives |

CFT Meeting
538 Davey Lab and Zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/94790584999?pwd=RXJNa21jNmRxTFo0VHBWdlpCc3Nhdz09 (Password: 827251)
The CFT meets in 538 Davey Lab to go over member introductions and present updates on research.
14:00 | Jacob Bourjaily and Martin Bojowald | Introductions/Research Updates |

PUG Seminar
321 Whitmore
Kallan Berglund presents on quantum corrections in modified black holes and upcoming quasinormal mode predictions.
14:00 | Kallan Berglund | Quantum Corrections in Modified Black Holes and Upcoming Quasinormal Mode Predictions |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond
Adam Riess, Johns Hopkins Surprises from the Expansion of the Universe
15:45 | Adam Riess | Surprises from the Expansion of the Universe |

Astronomy Colloquium
538 Davey Lab
Sedona Price - Galaxy Structures Through Cosmic Time
15:45 | Sedona Price | Galaxy Structures Through Cosmic Time |

Astronomy Lunch Talk
538 Davey Lab
Arnab Dhani - Precision Cosmology in the XG Era
12:00 | 538 Davey Lab | Astronomy Lunch Talk |

CMA Meeting
538 Davey Lab
Miguel Mostafá presides over this month’s CMA meeting. Attendees are invited to present an introduction and research update by submitting slides to:
14:00 | Miguel Mostafá | Introductions and Research Updates |

PUG Seminar - Joshua Black
321 Whitmore Lab
This week’s Primordial Universe and Gravity Seminar, with speaker Joshua Black, on the derivation of the Chandrasekhar mass.
14:00 | Joshua Black | Derivation of the Chandresekhar mass. |

Physics Colloquium: Jeff McMahon
101 Osmond and zoom
Physics colloquium on progress in CMB observations.
15:45 | Jeff McMahon | CMB with ACT and CMB-S4 |

International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar - Eugenio Bianchi
International Loop Quantum gravity Seminar with speaker Eugenio Bianchi, discussing causality in classical and quantum gravity.
10:00 | Eugenio Bianchi | Causality in Quantum and Classical Gravity |
IGC-All Meeting
538 Davey Lab
All-IGC meeting to discuss plans for the semester and initiatives for supporting research.
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | IGC-All meeting. |

PUG (Primordial Universe and Gravity) Seminar
321 Whitmore Lab
Unnati Akhouri presents
14:00 | Unnati Akhouri | PUG Seminar |

Physics Colloquium
101 Osmond
Tracy Slatyer of MIT presents on dark matter.
15:30 | Tracy Slatyer | Dark Matter |

Astronomy Colloquium
538 Davey Lab
Ashley Villar presents on building deep learning methodologies for time-domain astrophysics.
15:30 | Ashley Villar | Building Deep Learning Methodologies for Time-Domain Astrophysics |

ILQGS (International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar)
318 Osmond
Alexander Jercher from LMU Munich presents on causality in spin foams.
10:00 | Alexander Jercher | Causality in Spin Foams |

CFT Faculty Meeting
538 Davey
The monthly faculty meeting for the Center for Fundamental Theory
14:00 | Martin Bojowald and Jacob Bourjaily | Faculty meeting for the Center for Fundamental Theory |

CMA Faculty Meeting
538 Davey
The Center for Multimessenger Astrophysics is hosting the next IGC meeting on Monday, Sept 19 at 2-3:00 PM in Davey 538.
The meeting is dedicated to a broad discussion of the CMA’s plans going forward for the Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON). The meeting will be led by Stephanie Wissel and Hugo Ayala Solares.
Attendees are welcome to submit a slide to showcase highlights from their research,including any IGC-CMA members that are involved using this link:
14:00 | Stephanie Wissel and Hugo Solares | The monthly MMA Faculty Meeting |

Simons Foundation Collaboration Meeting
323 Whitmore
Meeting to discuss LOIs for this call:
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | Simons Foundation Collaboration Meeting |

CTOC Sept 12, 2022 meeting
538 Davey Lab
Introductions and updates on Collaborations and research from CTOC members.
14:00 | Donghui Jeong | CTOC updates |
IGC Welcome Back Meeting 2022
538 Davey and on zoom
A chance to introduce new people and provide updates about the IGC community.
14:00 | Sarah Shandera | Welcome back remarks and introductions |
14:15 | All | Updates from IGC members |
14:55 | Chad Hanna | Update on web site and digital presence |

2014-05-01 - 2014-05-03

2011-10-01 - 2011-10-02

2010-07-01 - 2010-07-02

Announcements February 2025