The Center for Fundamental Theory of the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos at Penn State will hold a three-day focused workshop in Loop Quantum Cosmology. The dates are October 23-25, 2008 (both days inclusive). The main themes of the workshop will be:
The workshop will have a few review type of talks and ample time for shorter presentations and discussions. The emphasis will be on providing comprehensive status reports, making clear the distinction between hard results and preliminary explorations, and inter-relations between topics listed above. In particular, we hope this exchange will lead to new ideas to convert the preliminary explorations to more clear-cut results that can be used to reliably confront LQC with observational constraints. The overall goal is to move this focused area forward in a decisive fashion in a few carefully chosen directions.
A workshop program is now available (Updated: 10/12/08).
There is no registration fee. However, because of limited seating capacity, all participants must register by Wednesday, October 15, 2008. Please email Randi Neshteruk to register for the workshop.
The workshop will be held in 320 Whitmore Lab at the Penn State University Park campus.
A variety of maps of Penn State and State College is available.
Abhay Ashtekar (chair), Tirthabir Biswas, Martin Bojowald, Gianluca Calcagni